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[Video] Talking NFTs With Justin Paterno | Conversations with JC Parets

May 5, 2022

We're doing something a little bit different today.

I'm thrilled to welcome my friend Justin Paterno, Portfolio Manager of the new OSPREY NFT Fund.

Whenever I have questions about NFTs, Justin is the one I turn to. In fact, a lot of my friends go to Justin with questions about NFTs.

So in this episode, I chat with Justin about all things NFTs, different "sectors" of NFTs, the future of NFTs, the price analysis aspects of NFTs and Web 3.0, and all the things that come along with those, good or bad.

I personally own a bunch of NFTs, and I have a funny feeling I will own a lot more in the coming decades. Therefore, it's probably a good idea that we get a better understanding of them.

This was a lot of fun and a nice break from all the other asset classes that we're always talking about.

Make sure to follow Justin on Twitter @zerobeta

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