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Do You Own The Right FANG?

February 12, 2022

What's amazing to me is how many investors have owned the wrong FANG this whole time.

Instead of owning Diamondback Energy, ticker symbol: $FANG, they owned a bunch of growth stocks.

Owning growth stocks in downtrends is no way to go through life.

We like owning things where prices are moving up and to the right:

You can see how Energy remains a strong outperformer with Financials next in line.

Here's a good example of an Energy stock already pushing up against new all-time highs: Diamondback Energy.

If $FANG is above 135 we want to be long with a target north of 200:

Notice how Oil is already taking out its 2018 highs. I think $FANG is next.

The real FANG, I mean. Not that crap they sensationalize on the cartoon networks.

Here's what those Communications stocks are doing, with Facebook, Google and NFLX representing over half the Index:

Do you enjoy owning stocks making new 52-week lows?

I do not.

Here's what Communications and the rest of Growth stocks are doing relative to their more Value-oriented counterparts:

Are these charts you want to buy? Or charts you want to sell?

That question needs to be answered in order to know where to look for opportunities.

For example, Petrobras continues to do well:

Halliburton too:

The dirtiest, and worst stocks for the planet, are the ones we've wanted to buy.

That's working.

It's that clean energy nonsense that's cost investors a lot of money.

Look at the difference:

Yea great, save the planet.

I'm all for it.

But losing money in your portfolio is no way to help the planet.

Go make the money, and then take those profits to save the planet, or feed the hungry or whatever mission you're on to make the world a better place.

But I repeat, losing your family's money is not going to help anyone.

We're here to profit.

When it comes to investing, nothing else matters. And if you convince yourself that it does, I will gladly accept your donations, and many others will too.

Tell me I'm wrong.