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When The Ride Ends....

February 11, 2022

Did The Economist just call the bottom for the market?

Take a look at the latest cover.

They're asking the question, "What would happen if the markets crashed?"

Are those the types of questions that are asked right before the market actually crashes?

Is the Economist usually on the right side of the tape?

Or have we proven enough times that they're usually on the complete opposite end of reality?

And it's not their fault. In fact, they actually do a great job of gauging current public sentiment and displaying it on the cover of their magazines.

They're one of the best in the business at this. The New Yorker has done a decent job over the years as well.

So are you taking this cover as bullish for stocks or bearish?

I think it's a feather in the hat for the bulls.

You can see how most of our trades are from the long side.



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