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[Options] Looking for a Freeport in the Storm

October 6, 2021

During today's internal Analyst Call, JC asked me what I was looking at for a trade today.

I mentioned I hadn't fully fleshed it out yet, but whatever I did would likely involve selling premium. With the $VIX hovering around 24 at the time, it felt like the edge was on the side of the premium sellers.

At this point, Steve Strazza piped in that he liked Freeport McMoran $FCX as a likely candidate for a bounce here. And then JC got excited about the idea of a bullish Risk Reversal spread to express this idea.

Selling elevated puts premium to offset the cost of a long call position? Yes... I liked the sound of that.

Right now, implied volatility in FCX options is nicely elevated:

I am mindful that earnings for $FCX will be released in two weeks. Pending earnings events is often a volatility driver, but it feels to me that right now its more the fear from recent price slides that has buyers bidding up the cost of puts here.

So we're going to leverage the put buyers fear to help us pay for a bullish call position.

The nice thing here is, as JC said: "We're likely gonna know if we're wrong right away. So we either get out quickly -- no biggie -- or we've got a winner on our hands."

So let's do this!

Here's the Play:

We're entering a bullish Risk Reversal in $FCX at the 28 and 36 strikes in November options for an approximately 20 cents credit. This means I'll be naked short the Nov 28 puts and long an equal amount of 36 calls.

Here's how the risk graph lays out:

I'm not concerned about getting a precise credit here. I'm not in it for the credit. But I do want to make sure the cost of the calls is covered by the credit from the naked puts.

Because this position requires margin and contains theoretically unlimited risk, I'll be sizing the position small.

Usually with Risk Reversals, I'll look to sell some of the long calls in an effort to use that credit to completely close the short puts as the position goes my way. But in this case, I'm going to let the short puts ride and instead -- I'm going to look to take profits if $FCX trades above the $39 level. If/when we get above $39 per share, I'll sell to close half of my calls and buy to close half of my puts, booking some profits and I'll let the rest ride into November. Once in November, if $FCX is under our 36 calls strike, then I'll close the rest of the position down, win or lose. If $FCX is above 36 in November, then I'll continue to hold the spread for as long as $FCX stays above near-term support (3-5 day low).

On the downside, like JC said, we'll likely know if we're wrong pretty quick -- and that's great! If $FCX can't hold the $30 level, that's our signal to get out. Any close below $30 means we'll exit the trade near the open on the next trading day.

If you have any questions on this trade, please send them here.

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Catch our next one this Friday at 2pm ET here.

~ @chicagosean

P.S. We do trades like this regularly. If you'd like to leverage Best-in-Class technical analysis into smarter directional options trades, try out All Star Options Risk Free!