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[Podcast] Fixed Income, Commodities & Currencies | My Conversation w/ Paul Ciana, CMT Bank of America Merrill Lynch

May 11, 2021

This is a fun one. I got to sit down with Paul Ciana to talk about all things Fixed Income, Commodities and Currencies. Paul is now the Chief Global FICC Technical Strategist and Director of Research at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. But in the early days, him and I used to study for our CMTs together back in 2006.

What's nice about this is that in his current position, and for 10 years at Bloomberg prior to his 5 years at BofA, he's had the opportunity to speak to many of the largest portfolio managers in the world. I want to know what he's learned from all those conversations!

Paul always gives great perspective and as you know, the macro view carries a big weighting throughout our process. So this episode really hit home.

I took advantage and just hit him with all my favorite questions and topics in the FICC world. And he just chuckled and happily answered most of them.

This was great! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

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