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[PLUS] Weekly Market Notes & Breadth Trends

April 12, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Key Takeaway: New highs bring out the bulls. Excessive optimism offset by broad market strength in the US & around the world. Despite Fed assurances of patience, rising bond yields will soon put pressure on the liquidity backdrop.

Their short-term performance has been mixed, but our relative strength rankings still have Financials, Industrials and Energy holding down the top spots. The still unanswered question from the past few weeks is whether the short-term trends (e.g., Technology in the top spot, Energy in the last spot) represent the beginning of sustainable shifts in leadership or are part of the process of digestion after longer-term trends moved too far in the other direction. A similar question presents itself when looking at the industry group heat map. Small & mid-cap groups dominate the top of the rankings, but large-cap groups appear to be on something of an upswing.