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[PLUS] Weekly Market Notes & Breadth Trends

March 15, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Key Takeaway: New high lists are expanding, yet investors are turning more cautious. Weight of the evidence favors focusing on opportunity over risk. Commodity market strength encouraging development for economy and investors. Rotation to cyclical leadership has just begun.

Energy has climbed to the top of our sector-level relative strength rankings, occupying the number one spot across all three capitalization levels. Energy hasn’t been at the top of the rankings since mid-2018. We are also seeing sector-level leadership (again across all capitalization levels) in Financials, Materials and Industrials. Previous leaders continue to drop in the rankings as “quality growth” has fallen out of favor. Stubborn investors are sitting on their hands, adaptive investors are listening to the market and following these new leadership trends. Industry group rankings show small-cap groups dominating the top of the rankings, and large cap groups dominating the bottom.