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[Video] Happy Hour w/ Traders: The Breadth Debate

August 21, 2020

This week on Happy Hour with Traders, I brought together some of the best minds when it comes to stock market breadth. You see all the breadth charts on twitter and you always hear debate about whether market breadth is weakening or improving. I think this round table discussion clears up a lot of misconceptions about the subject. I think it also gave each of us new ideas about how to approach the market from a weight-of-the-evidence perspective. I know I definitely got some new ideas that I want to start to do some more work on.

This is why we have these conversions. I'm fortunate to have really smart friends around the world that all view markets in their own unique ways. So I'm going to try my best to show them off so you can learn from them too!

Here's the latest Happy Hour with special guests Andrew Thrasher, Willie Delwiche, Mike Hurley and Steve Strazza. Enjoy!

Check out some other recent Happy Hours:

Joe Fahmy & Brian Shannon Part 1 & Part 2

Dan Russo & Andrew Thrasher July 2020

Kimmy Sokoloff & Joe Fahmy June 2020

Howard Lindzon July 2020

Happy Hour With Barts Charts

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