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Charting School: The Triangle

June 17, 2020

When it comes to "Continuation Patterns", Triangles are one of the more common ones you'll see. In this video we're discussing, more specifically, the Symmetrical Triangle, and how markets tend to consolidate between two converging trendlines. This series of higher lows and lower highs ultimately reaches its apex, which forces a resolution.

Throughout this course, we discuss all kinds of patterns, both continuation and reversals. In Triangle Land, we often see Symmetrical Triangles, Ascending Triangles, Descending Triangles and Wedges that appear like Triangles and have similar implications.

These are all covered in Lesson 5 of the NEW Allstarcharts Charting School:

If this is something that you're interested in learning more about, I encourage you to enroll in our Charting School at a price of just $495 for LIFETIME ACCESS to all 7 Lessons. That's 6 hours of content including quiz questions after each section. Join Here

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