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Video: Today's Overhead Supply In Stocks

May 15, 2019

We hear this term a lot: "Overhead Supply". But what does that mean exactly?

Well, I'll tell you what it means to me. When I look at today's stock market, I see stocks rallying throughout 2017 and running into resistance, or more selling than buying, in January of 2018. After some distribution, stocks rallied once again late into the 3rd quarter last year, only fail and sell off. That was a beautiful sell-off in stocks that many of us enjoyed very much.

Fast forward to 2019 and we've had a killer rally in stocks that has brought us back to where this overhead supply party first got started early last year. This is now the 3rd attempt and failure for stocks. And when I say stocks, I don't just mean the S&P500 or Dow Jones Industrial Average, I'm referring to stocks as an asset class.

In this video, I try and explain what I mean by pointing out the behavior of the Global 100 Index, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Dow Jones Composite Average, Dow Jones Internet Index and the IPO Index. They're all telling a similar story of "Overhead Supply". In the future, when I give educational seminars or speak at Universities, I will bring up these charts as excellent examples of the overhead supply dynamics we see quite often in the market, just rarely this clear.

Here is the video in full:

*Note - at the 1:20 mark, I meant to say more selling relative to buying. My bad, but you get the idea!

Also See: This Chart Tells The Story of Today's Market

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