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[Podcast] A Canadian Perspective w/ CIBC Portfolio Manager David Cox

April 12, 2021

In a market environment where Financials and Natural Resources have become leadership groups, how do we not have a conversation about Canada? Taking that one step further, we need to talk about how any investor, whether living in Canada or not, can take advantage of a potential structural swing in the trend for Canadian Equities.

Money Game Podcast: NO! Not Everything Happens For A Reason (EP.18)

March 22, 2021

In the latest episode of The Money Game, Phil and I talk about the old cliché, 'Everything happens for a reason'.

It's funny because it doesn't. Not everything happens for a reason. What's the reason?

It's hard for humans to accept the element of randomness. Sure, good things can happen after a tough breakup or losing your job. Like you can meet your future wife or start a successful business, all after what seemed like a negative event in your life. But connecting the 2 dots is silly.

Now, it's perfectly natural for us as humans to want to do that, but it doesn't make it right.

We inherently want to learn, and how I see, the best ways to learn are from experiences. Some of the most important lessons I've learned came the hard way, for sure. And I can think back to those moments and I'm now thankful for them. But they certainly didn't happen specifically so I could use that information to my advantage today. They were just events that happened, that fortunately I learned from.

[Podcast] The Bitcoin Episode w/ Greg King, Founder & CEO of OSPREY Funds

March 8, 2021

Bitcoin is a market that we are very fond of here at Allstarcharts. You've heard me say it plenty: it's a beautiful case study for Technical Analysis.

It's not a company. There are no fundamentals.

And you guys have watched us analyze the behavior of Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies since early 2016.

It's been pretty amazing to watch and participate in a new market like this. They were telling us we were late to the party back then. They're still saying the same thing now.

[Podcast] Let's Talk About Bonds, Baby! w/ Larry McDonald

February 26, 2021

Whenever I want to talk about bonds, I always know just who to call. Larry McDonald is a former bond trader at Lehman Brothers and author of the book, Colossal Failure of Common Sense. I highly encourage you to give it a read, especially if you're looking for some perspective on what really happened back in 2007-2008.

It's no coincidence that I reached out to him to come on the podcast. Larry and I had a very timely conversation in February of last year. So with the bond market recently losing 5-6 Trillion dollars in such a short period of time, who better to talk to than by favorite bond trader.

[Podcast] Sector Rotation w/ Jonathan Krinsky

January 26, 2021

This week on the podcast, Jonathan Krinsky joins me for a chat about Sector Rotation. While the Mega-cap names like Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft grinded sideways, or even down, since August, the Small-caps, Mid-caps and Micro-cap names have been the leaders. What happens if the Mega-caps break out of these bases to new all-time highs? Does the sector rotation continue? Or do we then rotate into the more defensive areas like Staples, Utilities and REITs, which currently keep making new relative lows?

[Podcast] Technical Analysis Radio Interviews: Veteran Technical Analyst, Jeff Weiss, CMT

January 9, 2021

This week on the podcast, I'm thrilled to have Jeff Weiss, CMT join me for a really fun chat. If you know Jeff, you already know that he's quite the character. The stories he has from his early days in the 1960s and 70s are awesome. Have you ever heard of a squawk box? How about quote machines that you had to stand in line to use, and would still only get one stock quote at a time?

In this conversation Jeff shares old stories about how he got his first job, cold-calling CEOs of different firms until one of them finally gave him a shot. Even if you're not into Technical Analysis, and you're just a fan of the market, or business in general, this episode is for you.

Make sure to check out Jeff's book: Relationship Investing, named "Best Investment Book of the Year" by the 2018 Stock Trader’s Almanac.

This was a ton of fun. Big shout out to Jeff Weiss for joining me on the show.


[Podcast] Post U.S. Election Special | My Interview on Opto Sessions with Ed Gotham

November 10, 2020

On this week's podcast, I wanted to share a recent interview I did on Opto Sessions with Ed Gotham over in London England. Our chat took place on Thursday afternoon November 5, 2020, just a couple of days after an unresolved election. My main points revolved around focusing on price trends and worrying less about election results, at least as far as portfolio decisions are concerned.

Ed came at me with a bunch of great questions. I appreciate how direct he was. I wish more interviews I did came at me with such relevant topics and ideas.

I really enjoyed this one. Thanks Ed for a fun chat!

[Podcast] Technical Analysis Radio Interviews: Hedge Fund Manager, Mark Dow

October 30, 2020

Mark Dow has been a guest on this podcast more times than anyone else for a good reason. Selfishly I always enjoy chatting with him. His perspective is fascinating to me because he does such brilliant job of combining price behavior with sentiment analysis and the global macro intermarket backdrop.

Mark worked for the U.S. Treasury Department in charge of Emerging Markets in the early 90s before ultimately running money for a Global Macro Hedge Fund in New York City. So he has a lot of opinions on economics and politics, but he's great at not letting those things get in the way of his price behavior and sentiment analysis. He's figured out how to separate them but also use his expertise to his advantage. That's not any task.

[Podcast] My Interview With Jack Schwager - Author of Market Wizards

October 27, 2020

I've done over 115 Podcast episodes and I don't remember being this excited to interview someone. I've read all the Jack Schwager books and some of them multiple times. I know traders who regularly read these chapters as part of the mental training.

Think about it, Jack has interviewed the greatest traders in history. All of them. It's incredible. And you know what strategies he uses to trade his own personal money? Technical Analysis.

He's interviewed all of the best traders for his Market Wizards books. And he says about half of them choose their market direction using Technical Analysis. But almost all of them have some sort of Technical component for risk management. This concept of Risk Management is the one common denominator between all of the most successful Traders.

Jack also pokes fun at the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which you know always brings a smile to my face. He discusses some of the success of these traders and how their consistent returns over such long periods of time completely dismiss what he refers to as the Deficient Market Hypothesis.

Don't walk to listen to this one. Run!

Money Game Podcast: Experiences Over Things (EP.17)

October 22, 2020

In this episode of The Money Game, Phil asks about what's more important to me. Is it collecting material things, or enjoying experiences with family and friends?

For me, it's quite obvious after looking back that I've enjoyed my experiences traveling throughout Asia and Europe with my wife. I remember my Dad let me skip school when I was 11 years old to go to Marlins Opening Day in 1993 (My mom was thrilled about that). I have a nice watch that I never wear. I haven't bought a car since 1997. And I have little interest in wearing that nice watch, or yet alone buying another one. I think cars are cool, but I'm still in no rush to go get one.

Let's go out for sushi. How about a hike? College football game perhaps? Let's throw a charity event and raise a ton of money to help people. Want to come to Edison, NJ for Indian food? Go wine tasting in Sonoma Valley? Hit the beaches in Miami or the Caribbean?

[Podcast] Technical Analysis & Financial Media: A Conversation w/ Frances Horodelski

October 1, 2020

In this episode I get to chat with one of my all-time favorite journalists, Frances Horodelski. She was one of the first people to interview me on TV when I was still in my 20s and I don't forget that. She believed in me early on. That's really cool.

We've continued to do interviews together over the years but today I flip the script and ask HER the tough questions. We discuss the role of Technical Analysis in both markets and financial media. As a former Wall Street analyst herself, she brings unique perspective and experience to traditional media. This was really informative and a lot of fun!

Here is the episode in full: