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[Chart of the Week] Emerging Markets Diverged Positively

February 12, 2019

The latest Chart of the Week is actually 4 charts! Today we're looking at Emerging Markets and comparing them to the S&P500. When money managers are bullish and positioning themselves for higher stock prices, they tend to invest in more speculative, higher beta names. When PMs are positioning themselves for lower stock prices, EM gets killed, particularly relative to developed markets.

These 4 charts represent divergences between Emerging markets and the S&P500 over the past couple of decades. When the S&P500 is making lower lows but Emerging Markets are simultaneously making higher lows, it's been evidence of risk appetite for stocks and markets have continued to rally for years after the divergence.

The question: Is this time different?

Video: What Market Environment Are We In?

February 11, 2019

When it comes to strategies, I've noticed that some investors try to force their approach on to the market, even if we're not in the type of environment where that strategy works. The first thing we want to do is identify what type of environment we're in, so that we can then create strategies to try and profit from it. To think we can build a system for a future environment that doesn't exist yet is foolish.

Here is the type of market I think we're in:

Relative Strength & Momentum in Healthcare

February 11, 2019

When it comes to buying stocks, I'm a bigger fan of buying things that are already working rather than getting cute and trying to be the first one in hoping others agree with me quickly. Rarely does bottom fishing work out in our favor. The probabilities are against us from the start.

One way to see if something is already "working" is to recognize how it is behaving compared to its peers. In the case of U.S. Stocks, how are specific groups doing compared to the rest of the market? I like to think of it like holding a basketball in a pool under water. You can feel the pressure, similar to overall selling pressure in stocks. Once you let go, the ball explodes out of the water and into the air. Stocks behave the same way once the overwhelming selling is complete. 

Financials Need A Breadth Mint

February 7, 2019

Tuesday we posted a mystery chart and asked you all to let us know what you would do. Buy, sell, or do nothing?

Most of you agreed that it looked like a structural breakout that we should be buying as long as prices are above resistance.

So today we want to reveal the full chart and why it's relevant.

Will Gold Bugs Finally Have Their Day?

February 6, 2019

I'm in Vancouver for a few days. While I'm here, I need to meet with Gold Bugs and ski Whistler. That's what you do around here right? I'm good with both.

It's hard to have a serious conversation with the true yellow metal cult followers. These clowns are bullish at all times and have been expecting Gold to make a huge move every day since their last big move that ended in 2011. "This is it", I've been hearing for years. But Nope. Not only have they not made any money, but the opportunity cost (what else could they have done with that cash) is through the roof. It's been painful to watch them.

For our purposes, open minded investors, in other words, we don't care if Gold doubles or goes to zero. We could not care less. Our jobs aren't dependent on them. Our "investment strategy" is not tied to rising prices for precious metals and since we don't have "a narrative", we don't need to make things up to justify our existence.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Deep Dive Into REITS

February 3, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

The iShares Real Estate ETF IYR is up more than 17% from its Christmas Eve lows and sitting just off all-time highs. Can this rally continue and if so, what are the names we want to be buying to take advantage of this theme?

We'll provide our perspective on those questions in this post.

Clip From Fox Business on Friday

February 2, 2019

I was down in San Francisco Friday afternoon shopping for a tuxedo for my wedding in a few months. Whenever I'm in the city I like to get Chinese food and swing by the tv networks and say hi. Friday I got to do both.