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All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Members-Only Conference Call Thursday April 19th at 7PM ET

April 15, 2018

Every month I host a conference call for All Star Charts Premium Members where we discuss ongoing themes throughout the global marketplace as well as changes in trends where new positions would be most appropriate. This includes U.S. Stocks & Sectors, International Stock Indexes, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rate Markets.

The new volatility regime in 2018 has caused many to question the uptrend in stocks that we've seen the past couple of years. In this call we will go over all of the markets around the world including intermarket relationships that help us identify whether risk appetite overwhelms any risk aversion we're seeing from institutional investors. On Thursday, we'll focus on a series of indicators that we look for to develop a list of stocks and commodities that we want to be buying throughout the 2nd quarter. I think there is more opportunity to profit today than we've seen in a long time.

This month's Conference Call will be held on Thursday April 19th at 7PM ET. Here are the Registration Details:

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] An Inside Look At Momentum In This Market

March 27, 2018

When I get asked about what I think the most important technical indicators are, I have to start with price. This is where it all begins and ends. Everything else is just a derivative of price. Let's not forget that. We can use all sorts of other things to help supplement that price analysis, but only if we understand that is all they are, supplements.

After price, for me it's momentum and relative strength that we're looking for. We want to be in stocks outperforming other stocks and showing positive momentum. Why mess around with stocks showing weakness and not showing bullish momentum? That makes little sense. Today we are going to focus on the areas showing the most relative strength and momentum, how to profit from it, and what that means for the overall market.


All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] An Update on All U.S. Stock Market Indexes

March 25, 2018

Here at Allstarcharts, none of us know what is going to happen in the market next week or next month or even next year. But the good news is that no one else does either. So it's an even playing field among all of us, whether you're Warren Buffett, Joey Home Gamer or anything in between. All we can do is take the data as it comes in, consistently reevaluate, and position ourselves in the direction with the highest probabilities.

Today we are taking a look at just the U.S. Stock Market Indexes to see where the risk lies and what we want to see to position ourselves aggressively on the long side. 






All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Bonds & Interest Rates: Now What?

March 6, 2018

U.S. Treasury Bonds have gotten absolutely destroyed, particularly on the shorter end of the curve. With interest rates exploding higher, money has been flowing beautifully out of the bond market. We're obviously happy to see that. It took a little longer to get going than we originally wanted it to, but we got there. So now the reevaluation process is upon us.

Today I want to talk about what we want to do here with respect to Bonds and Interest Rates and what some of our options might be. 


All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] The Consumer Stocks We Want To Buy

March 5, 2018

It's a bull market in stocks. The bond market is confirming that. Until we start to see evidence that suggests otherwise, we remain in the camp that this is a 'buy weakness' environment and not a time to be selling strength. To get 2018 going on a good note, Consumer Discretionary stocks broke out relative to the S&P500. This is one of the most important sectors in America and I believe it is still in a secular bull market.



All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Members-Only Conference Call Thursday February 15th at 7PM ET

February 9, 2018

Every month I host a conference call for All Star Charts Premium Members where we discuss ongoing themes throughout the global marketplace as well as changes in trends where new positions would be most appropriate. This includes U.S. Stocks & Sectors, International Stock Indexes, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rate Markets.

We've seen an increase in volatility in the stock market this past week but it has not spilled over into the commodities, currencies or interest rate markets. We'll discuss the current market environment and how we want to responsibly manage risk. A list of trade ideas with risk vs reward opportunities skewed in our favor will be the focus of this call. We want to err in the direction of the underlying trend and we will do our best to identify that throughout the call.

This month's Conference Call will be held on Thursday February 15th at 7PM ET. Here are the Registration Details:

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] These Are Stocks We Want To Buy

February 7, 2018

The market is never going to give us what we want. We have to take what the market gives us. Play the hand we're given, not the hand we wish we had. What worked in one market environment is not going to work in another. That's why all those filters fail so frequently, because you're trying to take something from the market instead of taking what it is giving us.

This week, a spike in volatility caused forced selling in stock index vehicles that trickled down to ETFs and individual stocks. We did not see any stress, however, in credit markets, currencies or any of the commodities like Crude Oil or Gold. This is further evidence that we want to continue be buyers of weakness, like we have been throughout all of last year and most of 2016. There will be periods where we want to be sellers of strength, but I don't believe that is the correct approach today.