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All Star Options

[Options Premium] We're Bullish on Biotechs

May 23, 2018

It might sound like we're beating a dead horse here, but the Russell 2000 printed another new all-time high yesterday (I know, it ended up being a red day, but that volume tho...) and there's just no way I can view this with any bearish context. Sure, perhaps it's extended and due for a rest (or gasp, a pullback) but it's simply irresponsible to be spouting actively bearish broader market calls in this environment right now.

As such, the team at All Star Charts keeps digging into the sectors that are looking like candidates to lead the next leg of stock market gains higher. Today, we've got our eye on the Biotech sector. 

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Low $COST Breakout?

May 18, 2018

Excuse the pun, it was too easy.

Everybody loves a deal. And that couldn't be more obvious after looking at a monthly chart of Costco $COST going back to the financial crisis that bottomed out in 2009. Shoppers clearly have been filling Costco parking lots and their carts, as the monthly chart has been a beautiful uptrend with very little volatility.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] A Bearish Bet in Treasury Bonds

May 16, 2018

In JC's All Star Charts May Monthly Conference call for subscribers, there was a theme that he consistently revisited: Bonds are going lower.

There's no need to over-complicate this stuff. We could waste time arguing about what increasing interest rates means for the stock market, or yield's implications on policy decisions in Washington, the effect to be felt in the housing market, or how retirees savings may or may not be effected. That might fill airtime on SHOUT!TV, but all we care about here is positioning ourselves to make money. Leave the intellectual debates to the talkers.

We're the doers, and we want to position ourselves for further downside in bonds.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] If You Love The Software Sector Breakout...

May 12, 2018

...then you simply have to get long The Granddaddy Oracle $ORCL here.

It appears Oracle has successfully digested the hit the stock took after it's most recent earnings report, and the stock is hanging just above the highs it set back in the year 2000! I could be wrong, of course, but I just don't see $ORCL holding around these levels for too much longer. There's just no way it recoups 2000 levels and then just stops here.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] A Clearly Defined Opportunity in $NOW

May 12, 2018

Earlier this week, JC pointed out that the software sector broke out to new all-time highs. I don't mean to keep harping on this, as you've no doubt read JC making this point over and over, but this sector making highs is simply not something we are likely to see if the overall market is pointing to a bear market.

The third largest component in the software index is Service Now, ticker $NOW. And we see an interesting opportunity developing.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Buying the Dip in $MMM

May 9, 2018

In a recent report to Allstarcharts Premium subscribers, J.C. laid out a case why he's bullish on the Industrials sector and why that's important to the overall market. Not ever one to mince words: "we want to be buying right here right now and very aggressively. The bet is that Industrials are now heading higher and leading the market to new all-time highs." That sounds pretty convincing to me!

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Big CAT Wants to Run

May 4, 2018

Until proven otherwise, it is irresponsible to be positioning for a bear market right now. The talking heads and twitterverse all seem to be rooting for -- cheering for, even -- the S&P 500 to break it's 200-day moving average and crash further from there.

It's ok to root for any scenario you'd like, but it's simply unprofitable to act on opinions (yours or others) until there is a basis of fact to back you up. And the only facts we focus on here are those presented and derived by price and volume.

The weight of the evidence still points to higher prices in equities over the intermediate term, and as such we're hunting for bullish trades. Today's hunt yielded a developing opportunity in Caterpillar $CAT.





All Star Options

[Options Premium] Time to Get Aggressively Long Microsoft?

May 3, 2018

It's no secret that JC and I are extremely bullish on stocks. Just like you'd like to see in a bullish environment, we're being led higher by tech stocks. And there's no better barometer of health in the tech sector than seeing old bellweather Microsoft still hanging around new all-time highs and cruising comfortably above it's 200 day moving average.