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All Star Options

[Options Premium] Going for the Gold(man)

November 19, 2018

There are still a lot of weak stocks out there that continue to show signs of worsening -- especially when they lag during every bounce attempt by the broader indexes. Goldman Sachs $GS is one of them. Goldman has been one of the stocks we've wanted to be short since mid October but the stock kept moving back in forth around our line in the sand -- $218 -- frustrating our attempts to pick a spot.

Last week, $GS finally made what feels like a decisive move to the downside and now is the time to strike.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Channeling Our Inner Material Girl

November 13, 2018

Ok, I'm on an airplane on my way to San Francisco to present at a conference and to hang with our boy JC, so please forgive the liberties I took with the title of this trade plan. Clearly I'm showing my age...

But seriously, the materials sector is offering us some nice premium to put a fast income trade on into the holidays.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Getting Long Uranium

November 12, 2018

Honestly, I never thought a uranium play was something that would ever come across my desk, but a week ago JC published a piece highlighting the uranium space as displaying bullish turnaround characteristics -- which offers a nice portfolio diversification to many of us who are mostly positioning for the downside in equities right now.

As I've let this idea marinate in my head over the last week while watching declining volatility make long options more attractive, I've really warmed up to the risk/reward profile in this space and have identified a great way to position for exponential gains in the Global Uranium ETF $URA.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Happily Accepting Higher Prices To Sell Into

November 9, 2018

It's been quite a bounce in the markets since the end of October. And we expect to see many more such bounces in the days and weeks ahead as market participants battle to find equilibrium in a tape that has definitely been thrown off balance since early October's swoon. The thing is, our bet is that we'll see even more impressive bounces -- but from lower levels.

Our new regime thesis hasn't changed (yet), and as such, we view any bounces as great opportunities to establish new short positions in the weakest names in the market. And one of those weak names that we've been stalking is JP Morgan $JPM.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Cautiously Buying the Blood in Bonds

November 5, 2018

One of the beauties of options trading is even when we don't have the highest conviction in a trade, we can still participate by lowering or shifting our risks.  I come from the school that says spread your bets out across the market -- small -- because the constant pursuit of edges will yield results over the long run as long as no bad individual trades are too big to take us out.

In our most recent monthly All Star Options Conference call, we highlighted a desire to play for a bounce in bonds. In the days since, the market gods are either taunting us, or smiling on us -- offering better entry levels.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Last Man Standing

November 2, 2018

It is not often that we fade stocks here at All Star Options. Mostly, we like to identify emerging trends or smart entry points in long established trends and hop along opportunistically for the ride. But given the market environment we're in, we believe it is only a matter of time before everyone gets touched. And we've identified a possible "home run" opportunity to get short a stock that -- gasp! -- printed new all time highs twice this week! It might truly be the last man standing.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Chill Out And Sell Some Premium

October 29, 2018

It has been a wild couple of weeks for participants in US equities. Up is down. Black is White. Dogs sleeping with cats. This is what happens when market regimes go through change. The ripples can be seismic.

The one thing we can count on as options traders is that implied volatility -- more specifically, the fear premium being priced into options right now -- will eventually subside. If there is anything that can be counted on to be "mean-reverting" in this crazy world of ours -- it is most definitely implied volatility. This means we definitely want to be on the hunt for opportunities to put elevated options premiums to work for us. We want to be net sellers of options here.

With 53 days until December options expiration, now is the ideal time to start scanning the most liquid ETF options in our universe for income trades.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Disney's Next Movie is Bearish

October 25, 2018

Disney is another stock that has been on our watch list for a short trade, but has stubbornly held on... until today. We had been waiting for $DIS to close below $113 and on Wednesday our criteria was finally met.

Could the broader markets be due for an oversold bounce here? Sure. But we think Disney's price action (better late than never) was an ugly omen for the start of a pretty bearish movie coming in this name over the next several weeks.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] A Tactical Short Ahead of Earnings

October 23, 2018

We don't do a lot of "earnings" plays here at All Star Options. We don't scare away from entering smart trades with defined risk ahead of earnings reports, but only if we feel there's a larger play in the cards.

However, when all the stars align, we'll consider specific opportunities.

We've got one all lined up with Avis, $CAR.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Next Up On The Firing Line

October 19, 2018

So far, this new corrective phase in U.S. stocks is playing out according to script: Deep down moves, interrupted by gravity-defying bounces that suddenly get saddled with lead weights which drag stocks back down with the fishes. Sorry for the horrible Godfather-inspired mixed metaphor.

In this type of environment, we want to be patient with our risk-defined positions when they go against us, yet aggressive when they go our way. This one simple mindshift will be what separates the winners in a bear market from the pretenders.

We laid out our first list of stocks we want to be short in a correction back on October 12. So far, this list is treating us well. The next name that we're ready to tackle is Cisco $CSCO.



All Star Options

[Options Premium] The Bounce Reveals the Weakest Names to Short

October 17, 2018

The biggest rallies happen in corrective or bear markets. They are nice, but often temporary. Stay nimble, my Trader friends.

— Sean McLaughlin 📈 (@chicagosean) October 16, 2018

I posted this on twitter today as the latest round of dip buyers were tripping all over themselves to buy up any and all perceived bargains being offered by Mr. Market. While the cumulative bounce for the past three trading days has been impressive, I've traded through too many corrections and bear markets to be tricked this easily into thinking the storm has fully passed.

Instead, I'm welcoming bounces like this because it more easily reveals the weakest names that are struggling to rebound. The stocks that haven't bounced or are struggling in relative terms to rise with their brethren, these are the names we want to press into on the short side. They are the ones likely to lead the carnage on the next leg down.

Next up on our target list: Intel $INTC.