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All Star Options

[Options Premium] UPDATE to DowDuPont Trade

April 3, 2019

In light of DowDuPont's $DWDP recent spinoff of Dow $DOW, it makes the maths a little more complicated on our trade.

Here is the press release from the OCC: (click the link then launch the pdf)

The short story is this: $DWDP investors are now entitled to one share of $DOW each every 3 shares of DWDP held.

This means that the true value of our options is price of DWDP stock + one third price of DOW stock (approximately).

All Star Options

[Options Premium] An Analog Idea

April 1, 2019

The All Star Charts team is not wildly bullish on US stocks here, though the consensus is that eventually we resume higher out of some sideways action that might take a few months to work through. That said, there is one sector we feel will lead us higher when the time is right and we've got a candidate stock that offers us a good opportunity to express our mildly bullish stance while keeping our risks manageable.


All Star Options

[Options Premium] FAST earnings money?

March 27, 2019

I don't often take long premium plays ahead of an earnings event, but there's one coming on the horizon where the options pricing isn't too high (yet) and the All Star Charts team has a price target that would yield us a greater than 4-to-1 return on risk if the earnings catalyst plays out in our favor.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Fast Food Fat Profits

March 25, 2019

A year ago, I made a commitment to healthier eating. Not that I was a slob or anything, it was just that my attitude about what I was willing to put into my body (basically anything) needed to change. At my age, you begin to think about these things.

That said, I'll still happily get long stocks of fast food companies that are poisoning the human race if there's a way for me to profit from it (then spend the earnings at the local vegan grocer!). And one household fast food chain is setting up for a big potential move.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Making a Run For Last Years Highs

March 22, 2019

You probably thought this would be a piece about US stocks, didn't you?

While it certainly looks like the Christmas lows in the US are going to stick around for a while, the All Star Charts team is also detecting some broader potential breakouts overseas that we can participate in with options on index ETFs.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Short term bearish, Long Term Bullish

March 20, 2019

When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, Sir? ~ John Maynard Keynes

This quote has been on my mind as I am about to publish a trade idea that runs contrary to an existing position we're currently carrying. And if the Market Gods are smiling, we may be able to win on both of them!

Video: Financing Options Trades vs Buying Them Naked

March 18, 2019

The cool thing about working with smart people is being able to learn from them. Having Sean McLaughlin on our team has made everyone better, not just our clients but us as well. In today's video, we tackle the question of when it makes more sense to finance an options position by selling a different contract to collect the income vs simply just buying calls or puts. As usual, Sean does a nice job of explaining this in a way that anyone could understand.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Embrace the Muck

March 18, 2019

You've probably noticed a few recent blog posts and twitter comments from the All Star Charts team singing the praises of "cash". There's nothing wrong with cash as a position if there aren't any compelling ideas to get you excited about. In fact, its often the best move.

However, we options players can still structure trades that will profit in sideways markets. But a big challenge currently is that we prefer higher options prices driven by relatively high volatility to sell into -- and its hard to find that anywhere right now. Across the board, options prices are getting extremely compressed everywhere. What to do?

How about a strategy that positions us to benefit from sideways action while also getting a goose from any reversion to the mean (er, higher) volatility?