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The Dollar-Yen Tests a Critical Level

February 28, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

What started out as a bearish reversal in the dollar-yen is beginning to look more like a bullish continuation pattern.

Buying the Japanese yen will produce absolute gangbuster returns – at some point. 

But the market’s simply not there yet…

For starters, Japanese stocks are hitting new all-time highs. These new highs support bullish USD/JPY positioning – long dollar, short yen.

Here’s an overlay chart of the Nikkei 225 Index and the dollar-yen pair, highlighting their positive correlation over longer time frames:

The USD/JPY tends to peak and trough in tandem with the Nikkei. 

All Star Charts Premium

Breakout Alert: Three Yen Crosses Ready To Rip

February 21, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Commodity currencies are edging higher.

But given the preceding dollar rally, significant breakout levels lie well out of reach.

In the meantime, we can turn to the yen for actionable ideas.

One yen cross is already breaking out!

Check out the aussie-yen cross challenging multi-year resistance at approximately 98.50:

That’s a tradeable level marked by the 2022 high and the June and September peaks from last year.

Buyers are on the verge of cracking this key level as I write. If and when they do, I like it long with a target of 111.15 over longer time frames.

All Star Charts Premium

The One Level to Track for an Accelerating Dollar

February 14, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

"Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop."

Bloomberg Businessweek plastered that message across its cover in October 2022 – a blaring yellow dollar sign front and center.

Those days are far behind us. The US dollar is trading well below its 2022 peak, and the mainstream media is expressing little concern about its rise.

Yet a series of fresh $DXY highs are causing many investors to fret.

I don’t blame them.

Check out the US Dollar Index completing a three-month bullish reversal:

The DXY has risen more than 4% so far this year and shows no signs of slowing. I can easily see it running back to 107. 

But it's also approaching a logical level to slam on the brakes. Or – heaven forbid – it could reverse course.

All Star Charts Premium

How to Profit From a Rising Dollar

February 6, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

King Dollar reigns supreme, and its near-term rally shows no sign of slowing.

What can you do about it? 

You can profit from it.

Today, I’ll share with you three tactical setups for dollar strength. And they’re all close to triggering.

But, before I outline the trades, let’s look at the relationship between the dollar and stocks…

Last night, Alfonso dropped a stellar chart in Slack of the US Dollar Index $DXY overlaid with Consumer Staples $XLP relative to the S&P 500 $SPY:

The chart supports the inverse relationship between stocks and the US dollar that’s been in place for almost a decade.

All Star Charts Premium

Follow the Aussie’s Next Move

January 30, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

The entire marketplace is fixated on tomorrow’s FOMC meeting.

Will the Fed make its first rate cut in March, or will it be in June?

Who knows.

I enjoy speculating as much as the next guy, but I’m not into guessing on next moves by central bankers.

I prefer to track another market participant with a Ph.D. in economics, Dr. Copper.

And we can’t discuss copper without including the Australian dollar!

Check out the Australian dollar overlaid with copper futures:

They look almost identical.

I added a 10-day rolling correlation study in the lower pane, highlighting the tight relationship over shorter time frames.

All Star Charts Premium

Will This Dollar Rally Ever End?

January 17, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

US dollar bulls are in control. 

Fresh highs dot the US Dollar Index $DXY chart. Sellers are nowhere to be found.

The question is, when – or where – will buying pressure ease?

If I had to guess (which I do), I’d focus on 104.25:

A key retracement level and former resistance zone mark my spot.

Plus, price has respected that retracement over the past six months, adding to my conviction.

How long sellers will defend 104.25  – if price even reaches it – is anyone's guess.

I don’t have a Magic 8-Ball. (Wait, actually I do, and it says, “Ask again later.”)

All Star Charts Premium

Risk-on Currencies Retreat

January 9, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Market participants are searching for a new narrative. 

Their uncertainty-fueled meandering is breeding US dollar strength. 

Will the Fed cut, or will they simply do nothing at the March meeting?

No one knows. 

But risk-on currencies have halted their recent advance. And luckily, we have price to light our way…

Check out the New Zealand dollar-US dollar pair (NZD/USD):

The New Zealand dollar is considered a “risk-on” currency as it tends to follow risk assets (global equities and commodities). Notice the NZD/USD rallied into the holidays off its October lows, much like US stocks. That’s not a coincidence.

All Star Charts Premium

Forex Markets Point to Increased Volatility

January 3, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

It’s a new year with unlimited possibilities!

Even ol’ King Dollar is turning the page, embracing 2024 and everything it offers with open arms. It’s shaken off the selling pressure from 2023 and appears ready to turn over a new leaf. 

But a bigger dollar rally might need a little help from a nearby friend. 

More on this idea in a second. 

First, let’s check out the US Dollar Index $DXY chart…

The DXY is finding its footing following a brutal holiday season (dropping nearly 5 percent since November 17):

The DXY stopped catching lower right where we would expect: a shelf of former lows at approximately 101.

All Star Charts Premium

Two Fresh Ways to Short the Dollar

December 27, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Y’all know the drill… 

Dollar down, stocks up.

That dominant inverse relationship remains firm as stocks rip and the dollar dips. 

The market’s message is clear: Buy stocks, sell dollars.

If you trade the FX markets, I have two new setups to ride the falling dollar…

First up, the US dollar-Swiss franc pair USD/CHF:

I’ve been tracking a generational topping formation in the USD/CHF (bottoming formation in the Swiss franc futures) for most of this year.

It wanted to break down in July but lacked follow-through.

Today, the USD/CHF is printing fresh 8-year lows, flashing another sell signal.

All Star Charts Premium

Buy the Yen

December 19, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

If it wasn't at the very top of the list, the Japanese yen was certainly among the best shorts of 2022.

But the times they are a-changin’.

King Dollar has ducked down a dark alley.

And it doesn't take a weatherman to tell us to buy the yen.

Here are Japanese yen futures carving out a year-long base following fresh 30-year lows:

I like buying strength on a breakout of this bottoming formation. But the yen has quite a way to travel before completing this possible double bottom. 

I don’t want to miss those potential gains, so let’s get tactical by taking a closer look… 

All Star Charts Premium

‘Tis the Season For Dollar Weakness

December 14, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Bing Crosby dreamed of a White Christmas.

Who hasn’t?

Growing up, I wished for a white Christmas every year. I knew snow was a stretch living in Florida. But a kid can dream… 

This season, stock market bulls hope for quite a different, serene vision: a weaker dollar.

Based on the charts, they might just get their wish.

Check out the updated US Dollar Index $DXY chart:

DXY has respected key retracement levels on the way up and down over the past six months. The repeated touches add to my conviction in these levels.

All Star Charts Premium

The Stage Is Set for a Rip-Roaring Canadian Dollar Rally

November 29, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Fiat money worldwide is sidelining the dollar.

Emerging market currencies were the first to strike. Now, their developed market counterparts have joined the fray.

The result: Global equities and precious metals are catching a bid.

After a challenging second half, perhaps the year's final weeks will be a layup for stock and forex traders.

And with the Australian and New Zealand dollars completing tactical reversals against the USD, the Canadian dollar could be next…

Check out Canadian dollar futures bouncing off support: