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All Star Charts Crypto

There's an Edge in Patience

April 14, 2022

Objectively speaking, knowing when to sit out is something that often separates good investors from mediocre ones.

We've already laid out our approach, which you can read here.

In summary:



The Role of Derivatives in Bitcoin's S-Curve

April 13, 2022

From the desk of Louis Sykes @haumicharts

Every day the blossoming crypto asset class makes strides toward what appears to be its inevitable maturation.

Almost all breakthrough technologies follow an Adoption S-Curve; more on that here.

Chart credit: Osprey Funds

Most look at Bitcoin on the S-Curve through the lens of standard metrics of volatility or network data.

Still, an often underappreciated element of Bitcoin's maturation is the rising cohort of traders approaching the market from the perspective of yield.

An influx of capital in the coming years will come not just from the directional side but instead to capture yield.

All Star Charts Crypto

Leaders Give Out

April 12, 2022

Yesterday we documented how we're shifting back to our defensive strategy. Tight trading correlations to weak equities dictate this approach.

At the same time, we've been stopped out of most altcoin long positions.

There's little to discuss in the way of tactical trading opportunities.

Even the strongest names can't get it done when we look at the alts. We're seeing many failed breakouts, and there's little to like in shorter time frames right now.

Here are a few examples.


The Bitcoin Conference Indicator

April 7, 2022

As sophisticated as public markets can be, they often have little quirks.

Everyone's heard about the McRib indicator: The S&P 500 has a higher daily return when the McRib is available at McDonald's than when it's not available.

Or how about the magazine covers? That's another classic anecdotal indicator.

Another one is the conference dip.

It's said that when all the traders are out at conferences, the market dips.

The annual CMT Association Symposium was notorious for this. Later on, we saw this during the big SALT conference in Vegas.

The old thought was that if all the big players are at a conference, who's left to buy?

It's funny because now we're seeing the dips during crypto conferences.

The talk of the town in the world of crypto is the recent Bitcoin conference taking place in Miami.

This just seems to be the latest iteration:

How To Interpret the Hash Rate

April 6, 2022

Demystifying the world of cryptocurrencies can be a taunting task.

Even before you dive into the emerging world of defi, web 3.0, and NFTs, what seems like the relatively simple Bitcoin network has a hidden underworld of complexity and nuance.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum can be bought without the necessity of a financial intermediary, like an exchange or crypto broker.

Instead, you can complete transactions on-chain, transferring capital and funds to individuals across the world utilizing the computing power of a peer-to-peer network.

These transactions, in turn, are validated and secured by miners, who dedicate computing power via solving complicated mathematical problems. Once solved, a hash is created.

The hash rate, in formal terms, is the number of hash operations done in a given period of time.

Less formally, the hash rate essentially measures the security and health of any proof-of-work cryptocurrency.

There's no better way for those wanting a deeper dive than reading the 2008 Bitcoin white paper.

All Star Charts Crypto

Exiting Accumulation

April 5, 2022

We keep saying it: There are just so many good setups out there.

You've noticed?

This is the first time in months that there's generally a good shape to the price action in these beaten-up altcoins.


All Star Charts Crypto

Revving Up

April 4, 2022

Welcome to our weekly crypto open letter.

The last few weeks have seen a sizeable shift in our approach. Here's a summary of this period:


What if the Bank Runs Out of Money?

April 2, 2022

This is just too perfect.

Straight from the Monopoly Rule Book, written 90 years ago.

Who would have thought that our central bankers would be getting their inspiration from a board game?

And so what are the consequences of such shenanigans?
