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All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 21: Craig Johnson, Chief Market Technician at Piper Jaffray

April 16, 2019

This week on the podcast we have the pleasure of chatting with Craig Johnson, Chief Market Technician at Piper Jaffray. I've known Craig for a long time and love the work that he puts out. During the day he speaks to buy side clients all over the world. As a past president of the CMT Association, he has surrounded himself with some of the best minds in the history of technical analysis. His perspective based on who he speaks to and his experiences throughout his career make me want to listen when he has something to say. In this conversation we discuss the rest of the year for U.S. stocks and sectors. There's a part in this episode that focuses on breadth and what we're both looking for moving forward. Inflation, or lack thereof, is something he's watching, so we talk about Gold, Oil and other inflationary factors that could impact stocks and bonds. We covered a lot. I really enjoyed this one!

Long End Outperformance Continues

March 28, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

I received a ton of great responses via Twitter and email for this week's Mystery Chart, so thank you for that.

Most said you'd be buying the breakout at current levels or on a successful retest, but a few skeptics were staying away. Let's get into the actual chart.

Overthinking Intermarket Analysis: Yield Curve Edition

March 26, 2019

Everyone these days is talking about yield curves inverting. It's the topic du jour, similar to things like golden crosses and 200 day moving averages. The difference is that this one is more intermarket oriented. "Well if this happens to bonds and that happens to rates, then this historically happens to stocks, or the economy". Observing the behavior of one asset class to help make decisions on another is called Intermarket Analysis, or "Cross-Asset" in some more institutional circles.

I don't think there is much more for me to say at this point about the yield curve. The crew over at The Chart Report pretty much covered it all beautifully last week. The short end of the curve (10-year minus 3-month) turned negative, but the long end of the curve did not. The 10s-30s spread is steepening and controlled by free markets vs the fed controlled short end. We've seen this happen before, like in the 90s for example, without it sparking bear markets. 

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] The Many Near-Term Caution Flags

March 25, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

During last week's Conference Call we discussed a lot of the potential catalysts to drive Equities as an asset class higher over the intermediate/long-term, however, we continue to err on the cautious side given our outlook for sideways chop in the short-term.

Thursday I wrote about a growing number of potential "oopsies" (failed moves), so I want to follow up on that post and outline another group of charts that I think are suggesting short-term weakness in stocks.

The Bullish Base In Bonds

March 18, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Last week I had the pleasure of being on Real Vision TV where I recorded two segments, one on Bonds and Equities pairs trade (short EWJ/SPY).

The video to the Equities trade is here, but since I'm not sure if/when the free video about Bonds will be out I wanted to go through that trade for you all on the blog. And if the video does come out, I'll be sure to share it.

Video: Technical Analysis, The Process & Lifestyle with Don Hensley

March 12, 2019

Going through charts and coming up with conclusions is not just something you do once. For this to work, Technical Analysis has to be a lifestyle. Getting away from the screen regularly and coming back open minded is part of that work / life balance. In this conversation I talk about some of the struggles I've had personally trying not to let the implications of us being right in our assessment impact my decision making. Thanks to Donnie Hensley and Speedtrader for being a part of Chart Summit 2019.

Tyler Yell Interviews JC Parets On The DailyFX Podcast

March 6, 2019

On this podcast episode, we're flipping the script a bit. I was invited to come on the DailyFX Podcast hosted by Tyler Yell last week, and I wanted to share that audio with you here today. In this conversation, we discuss the recent Chart Summit in Breckenridge, CO, how and why I started and what trends I'm currently seeing in the market. One thing we also talked about was the benefits of journaling and writing ideas down on paper. I really enjoyed this conversation so thank you Tyler Yell and DailyFX for inviting me on.

[Chart Of The Week] Is It Time For Gold Bugs To Profit?

February 27, 2019

If there is any group out there that is feeling the frustration, it's the gold bug community. Gold is at the same price today that it was a year ago, 5 years ago and 8 years ago. During that time frame, the S&P500 has more than doubled. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up more that 14,000 points, again more than doubling during this period.

Even U.S. Treasury Bonds made money as interest rates collapsed. The bond ETF $TLT was up over 60% before retracing some of that over the past couple of years. But still, up substantially and clearly outperforming precious metals.

You could have literally been in anything other than these commodities and made money. But from epic frustration comes secular periods for profit. I think this is what we have here:

Bond Market Faces Big Test

February 7, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Tuesday we posted a mystery chart and asked you all to let us know what you would do. Buy, sell, or do nothing?

The majority of responses had a bearish bias, however, a few suggested buying the "failed breakdown" with a tight stop, and even fewer said wait it out. Both sides could prove to be right depending on the timeframe, but it's clear the mixed signals make it tough to have conviction.

Let's get into the real chart and why we feel it's relevant.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Here's What's Up With The New Monthly Charts

February 1, 2019

You guys who know me already know that this is my favorite exercise of them all. We only do this 12 times a year. Let's just say that it takes you an hour, if you really want to take your time, that's 12 hours of your entire year. Think about the amount of time you spend each year performing other analysis. As far as I'm concerned, it's not even close. These 6 hours (for me it's 6) are easily the most valuable 6 hours I spend all year analyzing markets.

This process allows us to take a step back, which forces us to identify the direction of the primary trend. It's impossible not to, especially when you're seeing similar themes across Indexes, sectors and asset classes.

Here's what stands out from this month's review: