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[Podcast] The Bitcoin Episode w/ Greg King, Founder & CEO of OSPREY Funds

March 8, 2021

Bitcoin is a market that we are very fond of here at Allstarcharts. You've heard me say it plenty: it's a beautiful case study for Technical Analysis.

It's not a company. There are no fundamentals.

And you guys have watched us analyze the behavior of Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies since early 2016.

It's been pretty amazing to watch and participate in a new market like this. They were telling us we were late to the party back then. They're still saying the same thing now.

My bet is crypto is here to stay. So who better to have a conversation with than Greg King, Founder & CEO of OSPREY Funds, the newest vehicle to give investors access to this market.

This is probably one of the most fun conversations I've had in a long time. For me, it's a price behavior thing, as you're all well aware. I'm not the expert in the technology and the regulatory mechanics behind these things.

That's why I like keeping smart folks like Greg King around! I'm also a founding investor in OSPREY Funds, so I'm fully on board with their vision. After this conversation, as you'll see, I'm much more bullish crypto than I was before.

This was so awesome.


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