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All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 22: Paul Ciana, Chief FICC Technical Strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research

May 9, 2019

Paul Ciana and I go way back to 2006 when him and I were studying for the CMT exams together. Today, Paul is the Chief FICC Technical Strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research. In English, that means everything outside of equities. It's nice to see your friends succeed and watching him crush it is definitely one for the good guys.

In this podcast episode we dive deep into the FX world where Paul walks us through 3 important currency pairs that all stock market investors should follow. We talk about Crude Oil and Gold and other precious metals. The Dollar is a key focus right now for both Paul and me, so we get into what the implications are for stocks and other assets around the world.

I really enjoyed this conversation. It could have gone on for hours and hours. We're lucky to have Paul come on the podcast. He speaks to the biggest PMs in the world on a daily basis and has been doing that for close to a decade and half. His unique perspective is a huge value add for sure!

See the rest of the podcast episodes on Technical Analysis Radio

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US 10-year Yield


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Crude Oil


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US Dollar Index


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Palladium vs Platinum

S&P500/CRB Index overlay

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