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All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 8: Connie Brown, Author & President/Founder of Aerodynamic Investments

September 6, 2019

Connie Brown is the author of one of the first books I ever read on Technical Analysis. She was the one who inspired me to use Momentum as a supplement to price behavior, particularly the Relative Strength Index (RSI). It was Connie Brown who taught me how to think outside the box and question the default settings on traditional charting software. It's that next level thinking that has helped me grow throughout my career. It is a real treat for me to have her on the podcast and I think she is a great compliment to some of the other guests we've had on over the years. In this conversation we go back to the stock market panics of the 1800s, go over different global indexes and how to use them to make decisions in our own markets. If you're interested in Technical Analysis at all and want to learn how to think about things a little differently, this is the podcast episode for you!

Check out The Thirty-Second Jewel

  • India’s BSE 30 vs Hang Seng (2-weeks) –
  • Crude Oil Futures vs Wheat Futures (2-month) –
  • Crude Oil Futures (2-week bar chart) Gann Time Factors, Diagonal Fibonacci Channels –
  • Royal Bank of Canada – (3-day bar chart) –

India’s BSE 30 vs Hang Seng (2-weeks)

2 Weeks

Click image to enlarge


Crude Oil Futures vs Wheat Futures (2-month)

2 Months

Click image to enlarge


Crude Oil Futures (2-week bar chart) Gann Time Factors, Diagonal Fibonacci Channels

2 Week Bars

Click image to enlarge


Royal Bank of Canada – (3-day bar chart)

3 Day Bars

Click image to enlarge


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