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All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] An Inside Look At Momentum In This Market

March 27, 2018

When I get asked about what I think the most important technical indicators are, I have to start with price. This is where it all begins and ends. Everything else is just a derivative of price. Let's not forget that. We can use all sorts of other things to help supplement that price analysis, but only if we understand that is all they are, supplements.

After price, for me it's momentum and relative strength that we're looking for. We want to be in stocks outperforming other stocks and showing positive momentum. Why mess around with stocks showing weakness and not showing bullish momentum? That makes little sense. Today we are going to focus on the areas showing the most relative strength and momentum, how to profit from it, and what that means for the overall market.


The Island Reversal That Will Now Be A Problem

March 25, 2018

It's funny, some friends of mine a few weeks ago were asking me about Island Reversals. Apparently they were arguing about whether a breakout in some stock was sparked by an island reversal or not. I came to the conclusion that they were both wrong, but I appreciated their interest in this rare pattern. The point I tried to make to them was that it wasn't so much about what it's called, but more about its implications. And they had the implications right, which is all that mattered.

I don't see too many of these things, but this week we got a classic example of the ever so elusive "Island Reversal".

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] An Update on All U.S. Stock Market Indexes

March 25, 2018

Here at Allstarcharts, none of us know what is going to happen in the market next week or next month or even next year. But the good news is that no one else does either. So it's an even playing field among all of us, whether you're Warren Buffett, Joey Home Gamer or anything in between. All we can do is take the data as it comes in, consistently reevaluate, and position ourselves in the direction with the highest probabilities.

Today we are taking a look at just the U.S. Stock Market Indexes to see where the risk lies and what we want to see to position ourselves aggressively on the long side. 






[Chart Of The Week] Gold Is Breaking Out vs Stocks & Bonds

March 23, 2018

When assets are in strong uptrends, they're not just going up in value on an absolute basis, they also outperform their alternatives. Two obvious alternatives to investing your money in Gold are Stocks and Bonds. With the price of Gold flirting with new multi-year highs, we want to see how it's behaving vs the other asset classes. 

It's Time For Emerging Market Stocks To Make A Move

March 22, 2018

It's hard to ignore the strength we're seeing in some of these emerging markets. When stocks are selling off, I like to look around and see who is still holding up well. We call that "relative strength". Every day I get to speak with traders at the largest financial institutions in the world. They laugh because when everyone is selling, they get to sit there pressing buy buttons and fill their humongous orders that need to get done while they are accumulating a position.

Remember that institutions who manage $10, $20 - $50 Billion have to buy millions of shares of a stock just to have a small position relative to the overall size of their giant portfolios. It takes time to fill an order: days, weeks or even months. Retail investors can just press one button and get an entire fill whenever they want. Since institutions can't, we get to see it happening if we look close enough. When stocks are selling off, those still staying green and holding up is evidence of buy side accumulation.

Podcast Season 1 – Ep 23 – Jay Woods, NYSE Floor Governor

March 20, 2018

Jay Woods has been a designated market maker on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange for over 25 years. This being Technical Analysis Radio, I think it's important to understand what goes on down there and how it's changed over time. In this episode Jay shares old war stories from one of the most important and symbolic buildings in America. This conversation is the perfect compliment to some of the other perspectives we've heard throughout season one of the podcast. Jay Woods is a Chartered Market Technician who focuses on price behavior and sentiment. We discuss the current U.S. Stock Market environment including sector rotation, particularly in Financials and Technology. With volatility coming back in 2018, I think this is a great time to hear from Jay and find out what he's seeing from the floor of the NYSE.

[Premium India] Members-Only Conference Call Wednesday March 14th at 7PM IST

March 13, 2018

Every month I host a conference call for All Star Charts India Premium Members where we discuss ongoing themes throughout the India Share Market. We take a look at all of the NSE Indexes and Sectors as well as some of our own custom indexes. At Allstarcharts we have become known around the world for the top/down approach to stocks. After we analyze each of the indexes and sectors and have identified where the strength and weakness lies, then we break it down to individual stock opportunities. By having momentum, relative strength and market trend in our favor, the probabilities of success increase dramatically.

[Chart Of The Week] The Historic Breakout In Technology

March 12, 2018

How can this not be the chart of the week? It should be the chart of the century. Everyone always likes to talk about bubbles and how everything is in a bubble. But what they’re missing is the implications of said bubble popping. Remember we’ve seen price bubbles before, lots of them. One thing you’ll notice is that the bigger the fall in price, the longer the time necessary to repair it.

After 1929, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell almost 90% from its peak. It took 25 years to finally exceed that level for the first time. Towards the end of 1954, the Dow was able to make a new high and then continued higher for another 12 years before the next secular bear market began. It took a long time to repair that 90% crash, 25 years in fact. This is normal. But what is also normal is that from that repair came another 150% rally after initially exceeding those prior highs.

We're seeing similar activity today in Technology. After peaking in March of 2000, this sector index collapsed by over 82%. It wasn't until the past few months that we have finally been able to break to new all-time highs: