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Live Q&A After My Presentation in Athens

June 10, 2019

Earlier this month I was invited to come speak at the Hellenic chapter of the CMT Association in Athens, Greece. We had a much bigger crowd that I expected. I've had the opportunity to speak at many of the chapters around the world, including all over Asia, North America and Europe. I felt this was one of the better Q&A Sessions we've had. We were able to get the audio so I wanted to share that with you today. Some of the audience questions were not as clear as we would like, so bear with us. Hope you enjoy!

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Monthly Options Conference Call Slides

June 10, 2019

Due to technical and logistical timezone difficulties with JC traveling in Europe, we are unable to have our usual monthly conference call to run through the broad themes JC is seeing from his unique technical perspectives as well as our usual review of open positions that need action taken ahead of the upcoming expiration.

But have no fear -- we got you!

All Options Premium subscribers will also be invited to attend the next All Star Charts conference call so you can get caught up on the bigger picture in the markets. This Call will be held on Wednesday June 19th at 7PM ET.


Momentum Problems Remain

June 7, 2019

We've been writing about the lack of trend in India and Equities around the globe for months and despite the breakout to new highs in the Nifty 50 and several Large-Cap stocks, we remain cautious about calling this a "confirmed uptrend" and getting overly aggressive on the long side.

In this post, we'll explain why this remains a two-way tape.

All Star Charts Premium

Canada Update

June 5, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

On May 1st, we wrote an update called "Canada or Cantada" going through the major sectors/indexes to provide a view on how we wanted to approach Canadian Equities.

As we can see, there are more uptrends than downtrends from a structural perspective. Tactically however, most of these are not at levels where we want to be initiating new positions or have a lot of conviction. After strong moves since December, they need some consolidation to digest those gains and set up for a sustained move higher.

Another thing to note is that the more defensive areas of the market like REITs and Staples have the clearest structural uptrends of the group. They make up a smaller portion of the market, but I think it's still an interesting signal about market participants' risk appetite and outlook for Interest Rates.

Additionally Energy and Materials account for roughly 30% of the index and remain a headwind, so without rotation into those names I think it'll be tough for the TSX Composite to break out to the upside.

Chart Of The Week: Don't Fight Papa Dow

June 5, 2019

Life can be simple or you can make things complicated and noisy. It's up to you.

What business are you in? The business of trying to make money in the market or the business of making and/or consuming noise?

I was out in Greece on my honeymoon for a couple of weeks last month, but I was keeping an eye on what was going on. I love the market and I enjoy observing human behavior. So why should I completely shut myself off from something I like doing?

Now that I am married, I would very much like to keep my wife happy, and I also think it's important to get away (see here). So appropriately I shut things off and enjoyed my time in, what are now officially, my favorite islands in the world. It was funny because some of the locals in the Cyclades Islands were telling me how much they wanted to go to the Caribbean. I was like, "Naw man, stay here. Trust me!"

They're Just Selling Us F*%#ing Buicks

June 4, 2019

If you still think the media is there to provide you with useful information, there is little I can do to help you. It's 2019. They're only there to sell you Buicks and razors and whatever else they can shove down your throat.

The content they provide is designed to get you to consume it for the sole purpose of selling your attention to their sponsors. That's just the business.

You have two choices: You can just take it until your punch drunk or you can take what you consume into your own hands. It's up to you.

Phil and I sat down for an interesting chat about this very topic: