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[Options Premium] Alpha is Often Found in the Hard Trades

May 15, 2023

[9/28: updated our stop to $34]

I'm filing today's trade under the category of "Hard Trades." Not because it's particularly hard to execute or because it's a complicated multi-legged spread. It won't require an excessive amount of margin to get positioned nor is there any risk of unlimited losses.

It's hard because people might look at the trading action of the past few days and think that it's "gone too far" and "I should wait for a pullback."

And traders who think that way may be right.

But here's the thing: sometimes the best trades to get into are the best precisely because they are the "hardest" to pull the trigger on. And that's where our opportunity is. Those of us who fight through the conventional wisdom of average traders and get positioned ahead of the crowd will be lifted later on by those same traders who were "waiting for a pullback" and put an ever-rising bid underneath our stock that fuels our future gains.

Today's trade might be one of those setups.

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