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[Options Premium] Taking a Shine to That Golden Premium

October 10, 2022

Here's a snippet that sums up a conversation I had with my Head Technical Analyst Steve Strazza this morning:

Me: Any trade ideas have you excited this morning?

Steve: Nothing. New lows everywhere today.

Me: I know. It's ugly.

Steve: I can give you a handful of nice charts that are breaking out, but they are all going to fail. Can't buy breakouts in this market.

Yep. That's where we're at. Putting on directional bets in either direction feels like a high risk proposition. Long breakouts are likely to fail, while short breakdowns are likely to get caught offsides in a wicked bear market dead cat bounce.

But this doesn't mean we're out of options to earn some profits. Options premiums remain elevated across the board, and we've got some areas with clean levels of support we can use as guiderails to sell some delta-neutral premium with higher-than-normal chances of success.

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