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[Options Premium] New Season, New Strategy

October 14, 2018

Where I live in Colorado, we received our first snowfall of the season. And it meant business. Today, we woke up to 8 inches of overnight snow and it kept falling all morning. Yesterday, it was nearly 70 degrees and sunny. It's the time of the year when seasons change quickly around here. Not unlike the markets this week.

My wife and I have both been more mindful of our diet this year, and our four year old son is growing like a beanstalk. And as the season is changing rapidly, we find ourselves scrambling through our closets looking to locate last winter's clothes, only to find most of them don't fit any of us. So, comically, we find ourselves a little ill prepared for the new winter.

This all feels very fitting as the markets most definitely and rapidly changed seasons this week. And we were still wearing a lot of last season's positions. As you can imagine, that left us pretty uncomfortable.

The good news is, with a new outlook, we find ourselves scanning what appears to be a wide open field of very tempting short positions. But with this new season, we'll have to come to battle with some new tools and strategies. Very few of the strategies that worked most of the year will work in this new season. Of course, we know this because nothing lasts forever in the market.

With this in mind, let's get to work...

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