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Finding Winners & Losers

March 22, 2024

There are winning stocks that keep on winning.

That's what happens in Bull Markets.

But let's just keep in mind that this year is NOT last year, despite the fact that we're still in the midst of an ongoing bull market.

There are stocks falling apart underneath the surface. And there's money being made on the short side.

That wasn't the case in 2023, and especially not from the biggest most important companies.

Take Apple, for instance, down another 4% yesterday. $AAPL closed at the lowest levels relative to the S&P500 since 2021.

These are not the types of things that would happen in 2023.

There is a time and a place for everything.

We're going to continue to press on the losing stocks like Apple, but we want to look for winners to own as well.

Just like we've been doing. Nothing has changed.

We walked through the trades in some of our best ideas this week on our LIVE Conference Call.

Check out the replay here.

But one of my favorite ways to find stocks moving in the right direction, especially in this type of environment, is from our Young Aristocrats.

These are stocks whose company has raised its dividend every year for between 5-9 consecutive years.

Here's the list:

Now this is how I look at it.

If a company has the ability to raise its dividends every year for at least 5 consecutive years, and the stock is making new 52-week highs, then something over there must be going right.

Now, it works both ways because by the time a company has been able to do that for 25 consecutive years, officially becoming a "Dividend Aristocrat", then you're probably not early in the company's growth cycle.

That's why we've found that the 5-9 consecutive years is the sweet spot.

We call them the Young Aristocrats.

Premium Members check out the latest trade ideas from the YA report here. This week we identified a Canadian Transportation stocks and an Engineering company from Houston, TX.

Check out the full post and trades here.

Also, if you're interested in how we think through the Young Aristocrats, you'll love the thought process behind the 2-to-100 Club, which is designed to find the next $100 Billion stock.

In this short video we walk through 3 of our favorite Scans and why they're so important to our process. We'll even show you the Minor Leaguers, which brings us only the strongest stocks between $1-4 Billion in market-cap.

Check them all out here, and stay for the special bonus at the end where we talk about our Short Squeeze Candidates.

Don't miss it.

Watch the full video with Steve and I here.