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Bitcoin: Historic Base Breakout Coming

March 8, 2024

Are you ready for this?

We've seen it before.

Look at this huge base that Bitcoin has put together over the past few years.

The way I learned it many years ago was, "The Bigger The Base, The Higher In Space".

This saying goes back to before the 1950s, according to the late great Alan Shaw.

What this price behavior displays is a long period of accumulation by large institutions.

This process of demand absorbing supply takes time.

The longer it takes, the more explosive the eventual resolution becomes.

Here's what Bitcoin looks like right now:

This is exactly what we mean when we refer to "Big Bases".

And for many of you who've been coming to All Star Charts for a long time, know how powerful these setups have been before.

I'd be willing to bet you've made a lot of money over the years from bases just like this.

And remember, this is the "Blue Chip" of the Crypto space. Bitcoin is worth over a Trillion Dollars already.

And while I think ultimately $1 Trillion for Bitcoin will just be a rounding error, when all is said and done, the real alpha is coming from the altcoins.

I love these Power Rankings that we use over at ASC Crypto. This is like a traditional NFL Power Rankings, for you football fans out there.

What makes this more special than the one used for Football teams, is that this mathematically represents Relative Strength.

Think about it. In order to climb up the Power Rankings, a token needs to go up, AND outperform those ahead of it.

At least in bull markets, that's what it needs to do. But even in tougher markets where tokens are under pressure, the ones holding up the best are the ones climbing up the leaderboard.

This table above is a great visual and one we use every day over at ASC Crypto.

And now maybe my favorite part, and what I believe will make us the most money this cycle.

We've built a proprietary scan that notifies us whenever a cryptocurrency exceeds a certain market-cap threshold for the first time.

When there's an up and coming cryptocurrency, we're the first ones in the world to know about it.

Here are today's up and comers.

  • PaLM AI $PALM $100M
  • Open Campus $EDU $250M

We go over each of these and how we're trading the up and comers every week. Check that out here.

And don't forget!. This afternoon, Louis and I will record our very first video exclusively for ASC Crypto Members.

We’ll be talking about how you can get started in crypto, including:

  • How to trade crypto (i.e. which brokerages we use)
  • How to get a crypto wallet
  • How to buy and sell other crypto assets like NFTs

Only members of ASC Crypto will be able to see this. CLICK HERE to sign up with our special introductory offer.





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