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[Options P2P] GREAT NEW CHANGES for Options Paid-to-Play Subscribers.

November 9, 2023

In the 16 months since we launched the All Star Charts Paid-to-Play options service, subscribers have enjoyed positive risk-adjusted returns with far less volatility and smaller drawdowns than a simple investment in the S&P 500. They've also learned how to execute our strategies to produce incredible outperformance versus comparable ETF benchmarks that seek to sell options premium.

But one thing we can all agree on is that we wish it could be simpler.

In an effort to simplify your trading lives, we'll begin presenting our daily trades and open positions in an easier format!

Instead of receiving numerous emails throughout the day alerting you to actions in the portfolio and producing repetitive videos that few of you are watching (we have the viewership data!), we're going to send you ONE DAILY DIGEST that packs far more punch.

Each daily digest will include:

  1. Any new trades we've entered.
  2. Any defensive risk adjustments made.
  3. All executed good-til-canceled (GTC) orders that either booked profits or reduced risk since the last digest.
  4. The all-new "P2P OPEN CAMPAIGN TRACKER."

Additionally, in the Options Members section on the website, we're going to replace the "P2P Cashflow Tracker" with a new and improved "P2P SCOREBOARD" which will tally the gains and losses from each campaign we exit from today forward.

Let's dig a little deeper into the two new value-adding features:

The P2P Open Campaign Tracker will give you the ability to quickly get up to speed with all trades and the current level of credit (or debit) that exists in each campaign as of the last trade, including our resting GTC limit order price to close the position. An example of entries for each campaign will look like this:

All open campaigns will be displayed in each daily digest.

On the website, the P2P Scoreboard is where we will post up and tally the results of each closed campaign. In addition to giving a cleaner look at performance, it will help keep us focused on what matters: the bottom line as measured by closed positions.

One piece of feedback we're sensitive to is the fact that all of us have different account sizes, margin permissions, and comfort levels with risk. Additionally, some of you don't take all P2P trades. You prefer to take trades that more closely align with the parameters that matter most to you. Therefore, in practice, this means we all are realizing different return streams. Some better, some worse.

To display performance in a way that better allows customers to do an apples-to-apples comparison of their performance relative to ours, we'll be displaying cashflows in the P2P Open Campaign Tracker and the P2P Scoreboard on a price-per-contract basis. This means we keep the unit size per trade constant. So whether you're trading 100-lots or 1-lots, you'll easily be able to track whether your trading is lining up with ours.

Many of you have been with us since Day 1 (thank you!!),  and if you're an "old, crotchety trader" like me, you hate change. I feel you. But JC and I feel this will make it far easier to track what we're doing on a day-to-day basis and you'll quickly derive better value from this format going forward.

As with any changes, we'll make necessary course adjustments going forward to make sure we're all headed in the right direction!

If you have questions, I encourage you to email me directly at

If you're reading this and you're not yet a P2P subscriber and you'd like to learn how to earn attractive risk-adjusted returns in the options market, send an email to with "P2P" in the subject line and Peter or Mary will get you everything you need to make an informed decision.

Better yet, give them a call at 323-421-7910.

Humbly yours,

Sean McLaughlin @OptionsSean, Chief Options Strategist, All Star Charts

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