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The Most Impressive Newbie Trader I've Ever Met

May 4, 2023

You might have seen some of my tweets about an impressive trader I met earlier this week. I felt the encounter was too good to keep to myself – so here’s the full story…

I had a truly profound experience at the traders meetup I hosted in Denver on Tuesday night, where I met a new trader who completely blew me away.

Despite only having about a year of experience trading real money, this young man in his early 30s had a depth of knowledge and understanding that was truly remarkable. He carried with him a notebook filled with detailed market observations, trading strategies, post-mortems on trades, and more. No detail was left unnoticed, and his passion for trading was evident in everything he said.

What was even more impressive was his humility. He was incredibly smart, but he didn't flaunt his intelligence or try to impress anyone with his knowledge. Instead, he was genuinely curious about trading and had a thirst for knowledge that was inspiring to see.

As I got to know him better, I learned more about his background. He didn't come from the usual places where successful traders are born. He grew up in rural Mississippi and then spent his formative years on the south side of Chicago. Yet despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks in his life, he never lost his drive to succeed.

Unfortunately, he ended up getting sentenced to 5 years in state prison on the same day he received his acceptance letter to law school. But even in prison, he found a way to pursue his passion for trading and investing. With the help of a fellow inmate who introduced him to the markets, he spent five years studying everything he could get his hands on. He even lobbied for more resources from prison management and ended up teaching investment-related classes to other inmates.

By the time he was released, he had become the go-to person for knowledge and inspiration inside the prison. And now, he's well on his way to becoming a successful trader outside of it. Of all the newbie traders I've met, he's the one I have the most confidence in. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the human spirit.

As I hugged him at the end of the night, I felt truly inspired. This new trader had touched me in a way that I hadn't expected, and I knew that I was his No.1 fan from that moment on. His story is a model for how prison reform can be done in a way that produces positive outcomes and contributes productive members to society. I can't wait to see where his journey takes him, and I know that he'll continue to inspire others along the way.

Trade 'em Well,

Sean McLaughlin
Chief Options Strategist
All Star Charts, Technical Analysis Research

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