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It would be weird

April 4, 2023

Asset prices trend.

We know this.

We all have the data.

Just because some (most) investors choose to ignore it, doesn't mean that moves in stock prices are random.

They're not.

Stock prices trend.

It's just math. Or science maybe. Or both, I don't know.

But they do trend. This we know is a fact.

And since last June, the majority of stocks have been appreciating in price. And very few stocks have been falling in price, to the point where there are almost no stocks that are still falling.

So if stocks were not going up in price in this environment, that would be really weird.

This is a very bullish time of the year seasonally.

As far as the 4-year presidential cycle goes, there is no time as bullish as this one.

And stock prices have already been going up - most of them for 6-9 months at least.

So if stocks weren't appreciating in price, that would be very strange.

The fact that stock prices keep going up is perfectly normal.

We discussed all of it on last night's LIVE Conference Call.

Make sure to give that a watch here and download the slides.

One thing we discussed was the S&P500 stuck in this sideways range since last year.

Even after back-to-back quarters of amazing returns for the S&P500, short-term it's still choppy.

So when you look at what the S&P500's largest weighting is doing - Technology - is the S&P500 going to follow?

I believe so.

I don't see much evidence suggesting the opposite.

Stocks are trending higher. They have been for several quarters now.

And since stock prices trend, if they weren't going up in this environment, then that would be very weird.

Check out last night's conference call here.

We went over everything.

Let me know what you think!