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Is this Euphoria? Doubt it.

February 11, 2023

Remember last year when everyone was bearish?

And I mean everyone!

It was funny, there I was telling people it was a new bull market, because we actually do the work around here, but investors weren't buying it.

In fact, we saw 44 consecutive weeks of more bears than bulls among individual investors. This was an even longer streak than we saw during the Financial crisis. Longer than COVID.

People were really angry.

You can see the AAII Bulls and Bears, along with their consecutive streaks plotted below:

And now you're seeing the unwind really get going.

There's nothing like price action to change sentiment.

We now officially have 1 week in the books with more bulls than bears.

1 week.

I'd argue that's hardly the "euphoria" some investors are already calling out.

The sentiment unwind is just getting going.

And it's causing all kinds of havoc on the most heavily shorted stocks.

It's pretty awesome.

We did a full report on how we're taking advantage of it.

Premium Members can download that here: Short Squeeze Report Feb 2023.

If you don't have access it, for the whatever reason, just email us here and we'll get that fixed for you right away.

Of course you can always call Mary. She's great: +1 (323) 421-7910

Let me know what you think!