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Everything Is Up In This Bull Market

January 7, 2023

If you're not making money in this environment, it's not because it's a "bear market".

Don't be one of those investors left holding the bag in the few remaining stocks that are not working, while almost everything else is.

On an equally-weighted basis, every single sector is up since the bear market ended last June.

Here's the performance of each of the Sectors since the new lows list on the NYSE peaked in Q2. Notice how Consumer Discretionary is the best performer. How can consumer discretionary stocks doing so well possibly be a bad thing?

The greatest trick the market ever pulled was convincing investors that stocks are in a bear market. They haven't been in over 6 months.

Stocks are going from the lower left to the upper right. We call those uptrends, where I come from.

What's the problem?

Oh, some of those growth stocks that were leaders a few years ago in prior cycles still aren't working?


That's perfectly normal for environments where interest rates are rising.

And since interest rates have been rising, why is anyone surprised that those growth stocks can't get going?

Some people who haven't learned from history are left holding the bag.


That's how markets work.

It rewards those who do their homework, and punishes the lazy.

It's nothing new.

This week was our Live Monthly Charts Strategy Session where we went over all of the leading groups we want to own, the laggards we want to avoid, and we walk through each of my favorite trades for Q1 of 2023.

Premium Members make sure to watch the replay here and download the slides.

If you don't have access to this Video Conference Call and new Trades, please email me here right away and we'll get you access.

Give it a watch and then let me know what you think!

- JC