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Smile. Stocks Keep Going Up!

December 27, 2022

You go on the twitter and all you see are people complaining about what a bad year this is for stocks, how bad the stock market is, recessions, bear markets, the Fed, blah blah blah.

I don't understand. What's everyone so angry about?

Stocks continue to do well. In fact, the back half of this year has been one of the better ones that we've ever seen.

Look how well most sectors have done since the market bottomed in June:

And we live in a market-cap weighted world. I get that.

But in order to get a broader perspective on the performance of individual stocks, I think it helps to follow the equally-weighted sector indexes too.

Look how each sector has done on an equally-weighted basis:

The biggest difference here can be seen in Consumer Discretionary. The equal-weight Index is up 12.6% since the June lows while the cap-weighted version is down over 3%.

It's the broad participation that is impressive, not just in Discretionary but all over the market.

This is the exact opposite of, "Only 5 names are driving the market JC".

So I'll ask again: What is everyone so angry about?

Stocks keep acting well.

And not just U.S. Stocks, but we're seeing more and more upside participation around the world.

In addition to stocks doing so well, look at how much precious metals are outperforming.

This is how each of the different assets have done since the Dollar internals peaked in late September:

This is not 2020.

If you're using the 2020 playbook, or the playbook from the past decade, you're losing.

Different environments call for different strategies.

If you are unable to adapt you're going to lose. And that's not just now, that's always.

The ability to adapt to new data is what separates the winners from the losers.

Can you adapt?

Owning Gold the last 10 years, for example, has mostly been a bad idea. There were a few moments, of course, but for the most part it's been a terrible asset to own.

That's now changed. I think Gold could hit $5,000 an ounce.

I even put together a whole report about it: Gold $5K.

In this short review, we identify the best ways to play what will be a historic breakout.

It’s our gift to you this holiday season.

Click here to download Gold $5k

Give it a read and then let me know what you think!

- JC