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Performance Since Market Lows

December 21, 2022

Thanks to everyone who joined us live last night on our Mid-month Conference Call.

We had a lot to talk about.

There are plenty of opportunities out there to profit. These are exciting times for sure.

One of the charts I discussed was the performance of different types of stocks since the market bottomed in June.

Here's each sector's performance since June 16th, which was the day that the NYSE new lows list peaked:

Notice which ones are near the top of the list - Industrials, Healthcare, Energy, Financials, Staples....and take a look at the usual suspects down at the bottom - Communications, Technology, Discretionary....

Don't those losers look familiar?

Winners keep on winning and the losers continue to struggle. That's perfectly normal market behavior.

But a lot of these have seen some really nice moves over the past 6 months.

Like I've said, the first thing stocks need to do before they can start to go up, is to stop going down.

And while some stocks are certainly going up and making new highs, we've yet to see serious expansion in any of the new highs lists.

We discussed all of this and more on last night's call.

Premium Members make sure to check out the replay of the call here and download all the slides.

Key topics:

  • The S&P500 & DJ Industrial Avg below overhead supply
  • Median Stock is above Key Long-term Support
  • Consumer Staples & Low Volatility Stocks outperforming
  • Performance of Sectors since Stocks Bottomed June 16th
  • Waiting for an expansion of the new highs list
  • The implications of a stronger Japanese Yen
  • Dollar weakening vs Developed & Emerging Market Currencies
  • 4-year Presidential Cycle Bullish Sweet Spot
  • Small-caps to buy that are outperforming
  • Bonds making new highs
  • Interest rates impact on Growth Stocks
  • Which Energy Stocks To Buy Now
  • The relentless bid in Gold & Precious Metals
  • Which Gold & Silver stocks to own
  • Sugar and Soybeans breaking out
  • Copper Underperforming Gold
  • Chinese Stocks leading the way
  • European Financials outperforming U.S. Financials
  • Industrials Leading – which ones to buy
  • Mega-cap Healthcare as a defensive trade
  • Large-caps outside of Growth doing well
  • Small-cap Healthcare standouts
  • Solar Stocks showing relative strength
  • Consumer Discretionary being dragged lower by its leaders
  • What it will take for Crypto to break out

Full replay and slides available here.

If for any reason you can't access last night's call just email me or give Mary a call: +1 (323) 421-7910

Give it a watch and then let me know what you think!

- JC