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Holy Yen. Wow!

December 20, 2022

All hell seems to be breaking loose at the BOJ.

I'm not going to pretend to know, or care. But I can tell you that Yen traders like it.

And investors in precious metals sure as hell love it.

These are good things to wake up to if you're long gold and silver:

Japanese Yen is absolutely ripping.

This, among other things, is putting further downside pressure on the US Dollar, which has had such a strong negative correlation with so many risk assets, including stocks and crypto currencies.

While the Yen was getting destroyed, stocks, crypto and precious metals were struggling earlier this year.

And then a funny thing happened in late September: British Pounds bottomed. Then Euro botted 2 days later.

Ultimately in October, Yen and Emerging Market currencies finally put in their lows. Aussie & CAD did too.

Stocks acted accordingly with the Dow Jones Industrial Average rallying 20% in everyone's face.

We've seen a little give back in recent weeks, well-deserved I might add.

So is this Yen strength and Dollar weakness the catalyst to get equities going again?

Our precious metals positions are working well.

Energy is catching a bid.

Industrial stocks remain elevated.

The relative strength in International equities has been impossible to ignore.

But will we see broader strength in the market?

Will we finally see that expansion in new highs that we've been waiting for?

We'll discuss it all tonight on our Live Mid-Month Conference Call.

We obviously have a lot to talk about.

How are we going to finish up the year? How do we want to be positioned heading into 2023?

Did you have a good year? Did you struggle in 2022?

Let's get ahead of things and set us up for the best year of our lives.

I'll see you tonight @ 6PM ET.

Premium Members make sure to register here if you haven't already.

And if you don't have access to registration, just email me or give us a buzz: +1 (323) 421-7910

See you tonight!