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[PLUS] Weekly Market Notes

October 31, 2022
From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Once Bitten - Twice Shy

Beyond the mega-cap earnings-related blow-ups of last week, the rally off of the mid-October lows quietly gained strength. At Friday’s close, more than 55% of S&P 500 stocks were trading at new 20-day highs. In our work, that is a breadth thrust - the first since July and only the second since June 2020.

More Context: After stocks were uncharacteristically weak following the July breadth thrust, investors may be more cautious about embracing the latest signal. In this environment it is entirely possible that breadth thrusts are more evidence of volatility than strength. Over the course of my career I have tended to “trust the thrust”, but also believe it is a case of “thrust, but verify.” 

We take a Deeper Look at what we have seen during the fear-fueled bounce off of the October lows and how that could morph into a strength-sustained rally.

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