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Chart of the Day: Extreme Volatility

September 29, 2022

You see what just a little bit of Dollar weakness does to this market?

I'm telling you. I'm not making this up.

Now here's the thing. Let's remember that extreme volatility IN BOTH DIRECTIONS is commonly found near turning points.

Last time the US Dollar Index had a single day GAIN as large as Friday's was 3/19/20.

Last time the US Dollar Index had a single day LOSS as large as Wednesday's was 3/26/20.

The Dollar Index peaked on 3/20/20. Stocks bottomed the very next trading day on 3/23/20.

Here's a look:

Was that it?

Is it that simple?

Support held in the S&P500 and Nasdaq100 for a few days.

Was that THE bottom for stocks, or just A bottom?

I sold Berkshire Hathaway Puts Naked yesterday. Click here for those details.

But we'll continue to monitor the situation because it affects all of our portfolios.

However, regardless of whether that was a local bottom or a permanent bottom, for swing traders it doesn't even matter.

And Kimmy Sokoloff is proving it!

Her trading has been on fire!

She officially joined the All Star Charts team this week and subscribers to Swing Trader Pro have already paid for their entire subscriptions just with the first few days of trading.

That's ridiculous!

So I had to get Kimmy on the livestream to walk through each of her first few trades, to explain to everyone how they were so successful so quickly.

We talked about all her plays $QQQ $XOM $RBLX $COIN $OXY – and the stocks she’s watching right now – in our conversation yesterday.

I’m keeping the video up for a short time – so be sure to check it out while you still can…

Click here to watch the replay!