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Chart of the Day: New All-time Lows

July 13, 2022

You can't overstate what a bully the Dollar has been towards stocks in the U.S. and around the world.

We've talked about new 20 year lows for Japanese Yen, and the recent parity with the Euro, of course.

But now take a look the Emerging Markets Currencies ETF breaking down to new all-time lows:

I think this chart really tells an interesting story about both the strength in the US Dollar and the weakness in Emerging Market forex and equities.

This is the actual chart from that Mystery Chart I shared with you guys earlier this month.

We're seeing new all-time lows in EM Forex. That historically doesn't bode well for EM stocks.

The US Dollar is the bully around here.

Like I've said, unless that changes soon and you start to see some Dollar weakness, I think it will continue to be difficult making money from the long side in Stocks and Crypto.

Until the market proves otherwise, that continues to be our biggest theme.

What do you think?

Please weigh in. We love to hear from you!