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Chart of the Day: Healthcare Profits

July 9, 2022

When you look at as many charts as I do, you quickly start to notice when certain charts just don't look like most of the others.

Healthcare is one of those.

We discussed it all on this week's Live Conference Call. Premium Members click here to watch and download the slides.

And if you're not a Premium Member yet, just give us a call and we'll set you up: (323) 421-7910

The Healthcare conversation we're having is a really important one. Notice how with S&Ps, Nasdaq and other major indexes breaking down and completing tops, Healthcare has just traded sideways.

We call this, "Relative Strength":

And while this Healthcare chart represents the Large-caps in the space, I would also point you to what Biotech is doing these days.

Biotech is making new multi-month highs and leading almost all of those beat up growth areas.

Healthcare is a place we watch to focus on. And I'm not quite buying the "Safety" aspect of the sector, because there's nothing safe about Biotech stocks.

Also, I'm hearing that Healthcare is "Late Cycle". But I'm not buying that either because 10 years ago Healthcare was a leader and we were no where near being late in that cycle.

So for me, it's just brute relative strength.

And that's really powerful.

That's what I'm watching the closest right now. What about you?

Let us know!

- JC