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[PLUS] Weekly Market Notes

June 6, 2022
From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Key Takeaway:

  • Yields pause, but trends are still higher.
  • Sector leadership is providing little support for the indexes.
  • New lows collapse but new highs are scarce.
Sector level trends reveal the challenge for the indexes at this point. Energy and Utilities are the only sectors in longer-term up-trends at this point. Even if we expand strength to include the Materials sector (which with the other two are seeing strong trends in our shorter-term price, momentum, breadth model), we are only talking about 10% of the overall S&P 500.

To put it another way: even after the 60+% rally in XLE (Energy ETF) this year and broad weakness elsewhere, there are still three individual companies (AAPL, MSFT, GOOGL) with a larger market capitalization than the entire S&P 500 energy sector. The craziest stat in this regard may be the comparison between Energy and TSLA. Pre-COVID, Tesla’s market capitalization was ~5% of the entire Energy sector. It peaked above 120% last year and even after this year’s moves is still at 50%.

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