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[PLUS] Weekly Market Notes & Breadth Trends

April 11, 2022

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Key Takeaway:

  • Global bond yields racing higher.
  • Median CPI from Cleveland Fed is the key inflation report.
  • April not living up to its ‘best month’ billing.
The race is on for global bonds yields. The 10-year yield in the US is heading toward 3% (a level last touched in 2018), in the UK it’s heading toward 2% (a level last seen in 2015) and in Germany it’s heading toward 1% (a level last reached in 2014). While these global benchmarks are each now contending with their own important thresholds, a decade ago, they were all separated by only a few basis points. Prices for bonds move in the opposite direction of yields, and bond traders are learning how dangerous it can be to try to catch a falling knife.
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