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The Resiliency In Energy Stocks

April 7, 2022

Are you noticing?

Energy stocks continue to push up against new highs.

The Integrated names, Oil Services, the Explorers & Producers.

They're all still at or near new 52-week highs.

The kicker? It's all happening with Crude Oil in the midst of a 26% drawdown:

This is the definition of resiliency.

Most stocks remain under pressure, and Energy stocks shine.

Crude Oil corrects, and Energy stocks shine.

A lot of our favorite names made nice moves and hit our targets, like LNG and OXY. But they're setting up again and the trends are still up.

Everything is laid out in the trade ideas page and make sure to check out this week's live video call where we go over the whole Energy trade.

Let me know what you think



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