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What if the Bank Runs Out of Money?

April 2, 2022

This is just too perfect.

Straight from the Monopoly Rule Book, written 90 years ago.

Who would have thought that our central bankers would be getting their inspiration from a board game?

And so what are the consequences of such shenanigans?


Inflation can be fun.

But only if you're on the right side of it.

Some stocks have done well over the past year. Most stocks have not.

But commodities continue to lead. Take a look at the S&P500 making new multi-year lows relative to commodities:

I mean, even Gold is working.

That's when you know....

How long have the Gold bugs been waiting for this?

Definitely for my entire career, and pretty close to my entire life.

I was 5 years old last time Newmont Mining was up here.

And it's not just in commodities.

You're seeing these inflationary forces impacting Crypto Currencies as well.

We're getting an expansion in new highs for Crypto.

We're seeing bullish breadth thrusts left and right.

The expansion in upside participation is impossible to ignore.

This is a new bull market for Crypto.

The market is proving that.

Take a look at Terra $LUNA ripping to new all-time highs this weekend:

You see that base?

We continue to see bases like this developing across the Crypto universe.

You can ignore it if you want.

But for me this stinks of opportunity.

Yesterday was our Live Crypto Strategy Session that we do every Friday.

ASC Crypto Members can click here to review the recording and to download the accompanying chartbook.

Not an ASC Crypto Member? Take advantage of our Weekend Special - Just $997 for 6 months of All Access Crypto Research and Trade Ideas.

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Let me know what you think!

See you in there.



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