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The Big Man Came to Town

February 8, 2022

No, not Santa. He already came and went.

JC came to Boulder yesterday (where I Iive) and we were able to get together to enjoy a late dinner. It was a great opportunity to reflect on how far we’ve come and what we’ve already accomplished.

All Star Charts launched about 13 years ago. And we launched All Star Options nearly four years ago.

During this time, we’ve seen big bull runs, panic-inducing corrections, and everything in between.

But the one constant has been

the tremendous amount of positive feedback we’ve received from our community of some of the smartest traders and investors on the planet.

When trades are going well, there are lots of high-fives to go around. And when they don’t, there are a lot of “thank yous” for the vivid reminders to pay close attention to risk management, position-sizing, and Best Practices.

Most importantly, there is a sense of Community.

There is no greater feeling than knowing we’ve got each other’s back. We’re all in this together!

Trading can be a lonely endeavor. Many of us trade from home. We’re not on a trading floor surrounded by a roomful of people who are in the game with us. I can’t tap my neighbor on the shoulder and ask him what he thinks about my trade. There’s no “water-cooler” to gather around on a slow trading day to talk about last night’s game.

We have to create our tribe a different way.

As we look ahead to what 2022 and beyond has in store for us, we’re incredibly excited about some ideas we have to make ourselves more available to you. To build upon an already amazing community and give you more of what you need – more trades, more education, more access, more fun.

Because at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. Are we having fun? If not, what are we even doing here?

You keep being you. Me, JC, and the rest of the All Star Charts team will keep being us. And when all of us are being the best versions of our authentic selves, that’s when the magic happens.

Thank you for coming on the journey with us!

~ @chicagosean