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SXM Radio: Behind The Markets Podcast

February 6, 2022

This week I had a great conversation with Jeremy Schwartz on the Behind The Markets Podcast on SiriusXM Radio.

Jeremy and I have been through a few cycles throughout our careers and probably understand the weightings of Indexes and ETFs better than most investors. Which was a big point I was trying to make: Understand what you own. You need to know what's inside of these things, and more importantly, what's not.

There's a lot going on in today's market but I tried to really focus in on the primary trends and where I think we're going this year.

Last time we did this I got to go down to the studio at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. But the weather was bad so we recorded remotely. Hopefully I can make it down there soon and we can do it live from the University once again.

Either way, I think we hit on a bunch of key points on this episode.

Hope you enjoy!

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