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Resistance at Zero

February 1, 2022

It still cracks me up every time I hear that.

"German 10yr Yield is still dealing with resistance at zero".

Is it funny to you too or am I just being a child?

Anyway, joking aside, this is the first time in years that German 10yr Yields have been above zero.

Rates in general have been moving higher, not just in the U.S., but around the world.

You're also seeing the stocks that tend to do best in rising rate environments leading the market.

As we discussed earlier this month, the best two sectors when rates are rising are Energy and Financials.

And as it turns out, those were the only 2 sectors up last month: Energy $XLE & Financials $XLF.

The market is behaving like it should.

Makes sense.

We have a lot to discuss on tonight's Live Strategy Session.

Premium Members make sure to register here for it if you haven't already.

We'll be going live at 6PM ET tonight Tuesday February 1st.

If you can't make it live, you'll be able to watch the replay and download the slides here shortly after the completion of tonight's event.

See you there!