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[PLUS] Weekly Observations & One Chart for the Weekend

January 7, 2022

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

The stock market’s reaction to this week’s sharp rise in bond yields has intensified talk of a durable shift in long-term equity leadership, within the US as well as on a global basis. That discussion leads to questions about the best way to visually represent such shifts and what relationships we want to keep our eyes on for evidence that such a shift is indeed taking place. In terms of shifting US leadership, you could do a lot worse than the ratio between the old AMEX Composite (technically now it is the NYSE Mkt Composite) and the S&P 500. The AMEX Composite has less of a mega-cap, tech-sector focus than does the SP& 500. S&P 500 leadership peaked in the late 1990’s and this was followed by a decade of relative strength out of the AMEX. The following decade was again dominated by the S&P 500, but over the past year, the AMEX has perked up and looks ready to wear the leadership mantle again. Getting above its June and November highs versus the S&P 500 would be strong evidence that it is ready for that role. Despite carnage elsewhere to begin 2022, the AMEX Composite closed at a new high as recently as Thursday.

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