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Wall Street’s Greatest Lie

November 12, 2021

Someone somewhere a long time ago, before I came around, started telling people that to be a successful investor you should "Buy low and sell high."

The nerve of some people to have such an ego to think they can consistently buy low and sell high....

Are you kidding me?

Markets trend!


There's no reason to pretend that you're smarter than the market.

You're not.

And you might not be aware of it.

But I am.

I know for certain that I am NOT smarter than the market. So to think I can pick a bottom to "buy low", with the hopes that one day the market will agree with me?

No thanks.

I don't need to feed my ego. I'm only in the business of making money.

I'll let other people, way way smarter than I am accumulate at low prices. That's what they're good at.

We'll do our best to try and recognize that accumulation and then hop along for the ride.

I don't need to be the one getting cute.

You can have it.

I'll get on board once the market already agrees it's going higher.

Markets trend.

And trends last a lot longer than most people think.

Trend fighting is tough living.

Trend following is a good living.



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